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  Xerox Canada Retiree Association 

XCRA Governance

The XCRA is federally incorporated under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act. Structurally, the Association comprises 13 geographically defined Chapters which, in turn, currently support over 1600 members. The regions are Atlantic, Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Greater Toronto Area, Southwestern Ontario, Northern Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatoon, Regina, Calgary, Edmonton and British Columbia. Each of these regions are governed by a Chapter President.

XCRA is governed by a national Board of Directors comprising a President, Vice-President and Secretary. There are six additional members forming the full Board of Directors Officers. They are charged with overseeing the day-to-day operations of the XCRA. All national, regional and chapter-level officers and directors are volunteers, serving without remuneration.

XCRA Bylaws 

The updated XCRA bylaw document contains 11 distinct sections. They are:

Section 1 — General

Section 2 — Membership – Matters Requiring Special Resolution

Section 3 — Membership Dues, Termination and Discipline

Section 4 — Meetings of Members

Section 5 — Directors

Section 6 — Meetings of Directors

Section 7 — Officers

Section 8 — Notices

Section 9 — Dispute Resolution

Section 10 — Indemnities to Directors and Others

Section 11 —Effective Date

The full English version of the bylaw can be accessed by clicking on the button below.


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